Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Wednesday

It must be time for weird news from around the globe or at least the continent.

We begin in Florida where the state cosmetology board has moved to ban the practice of letting fish nibble away dead skin.  The practice that hails from Asia wasn't even offered, as far as the board was aware, in any salons in the state but folks were making inquiries so they decided to nip it in the bud, so to speak.  Citing the fact that it was impossible to sanitize a bowl full of fish between clients as their reason, the board banned the treatment. I've heard of this "spa treatment" before and it sounds intriguing and like it probably tickles.

In Johannesburg, South Africa, a 4-year-old hippo has taken up residence in a water treatment plant.  He managed to enter the facility because the fence was stolen.  Who steals a fence? Anyway, they've named the fellow Zorro in honor of the Z-shaped scar on his back.

You've heard that excessive playing of video games is responsible for the general downfall of western civilization.  Makes those who play the games violent and anti-social.  Apparently it also causes a medical condition known as "PlayStation palmar hidradentitis".  The disorder causes painful lumps under the skin from holding the controller too tightly.  Sony points out that only one person was involved in the study and they include health guidelines in their manuals.  How does a study comprising one participant make it into the British Journal of Dermatology?

From PlayStation to Facebook.  A 19-year-old man was arrested in Florida for snatching a laptop to check his Facebook account. He was charged with, and this is the best part, "robbery by sudden snatching" after being refused access to check his account.

And last we have some really dumb teens.  They stole a safe containing antique money from one of their parents and a van, drove to Alabama from Michigan and tried to get change for a $1000 bill.  Seems like they weren't aware that the US Treasury last printed $1000 bills in 1945 thus tipping off the bank teller that something was amiss.  D'oh!

Slim pickings today.  Hopefully the crazies will be out in force next week.


Aliceson said...

The fish exfoliant sounds alright with me but I do think I would feel a bit squeemish about who's feet were in their before mine. Some people have pretty nasty feet.

Thanks for the giggles as usual!

skyewriter said...

No, no more crazies for a while!

I loved these. Funny.

The fish thing, you can get the same treatment swimming in the ocean near a reef. Except they tend to groom shins instead of feet. :)

Anonymous said...

Here lately it has been extremely hard to find anything of an "amusing nature" and I have been struggling with it.

That is when I decided it might just be great to make stuff up, and that has worked out rather well.

My trial begins next week .........


Anonymous said...

I always look forward to Wednesdays just for this weekly posting!!

Stacy Hackenberg said...

Thanks, D. Sorry for the screw up. You are one dedicated commenter to come back and repost after I hit the wrong button and accidentally deleted your last attempt.

Pseudo said...

That was fun. Where do you gt this stuff? I especially liked the dumb teens.

Stacy Hackenberg said...

@Pseduo- Believe it or not, I get most of these from And dumb teens are ALWAYS funny.

@ Skye & Aliceson- I think the fishies would be just too ticklish for me. Wherever they chose to nibble ; )

@BCO- Stay out of jail, man. The really crazy (and stupid) criminals are in there.