Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RTT - I'm baaack! (sorta) maybe not really *sigh*

It's Tuesday and time for the fun with Keely. Stop on by and grab the badge.

I bought a kettlebell last weekend. In case you don't know what one of these things are, let me enlighten you. It's a torture device with a cute name. Seriously. The first time I used it, I thought I was gonna pass out. And then my legs hurt for 3 days. Funny, though. The next time I used it (Sunday, after recovering from the first attempt) it wasn't nearly so bad. Made it through the workout without pausing the DVD and the next day I was only a little bit sore.  Let me tell you, I am not an athlete. I am a certified couch potato and it kinda secretly irks me that this exercise thing might actually make the difference in the ever popular weight loss attempts.

I am also walking. 15 minutes in the morning at work before the Texas heat makes venturing out on asphalt a quick and unpleasant way to pass out from heat stroke. (It was 105 yesterday in Austin.) I also walk in the evenings on the days I'm not torturing myself with the pink devil. (Yes. The kettlebell is pink. Didn't even think to look.) I'm trying to do 30 minutes. I have to wait until it's almost dark to walk. Monday, it was still over 90 when I went walking. 

I have stopped trying to walk the dogs until Hubby is finished with his report. Myrddin and Aibhne escaped when I tried to take Rowan (no way am I taking more than one of them at a time). If the doofus would just walk out the front door calmly without having to screw up the courage, they wouldn't have had room to squeeze past him and make a mad dash around the neighborhood. Bastards.

Speaking of the dogs, Aibhne, the little goat, is not losing any weight that I can tell. Still solid as a rock and twice as dense. She's sweet and adorable and lab stupid and strong as the proverbial ox. If I ever have to escape the impending ice age or the zombie hordes, I know who I am hooking up to the sleigh/wagon. She may run like a goat (if you've seen the end of "Men Who Stare at Goats" you have seen Aibhne run) but she pulls like a, well, like an ox.

I have been absent of late and the last time I posted a Random Tuesday Thoughts was in June. Work has been actual work of late and added to the general i-can't-take-it-anymores I've been feeling of late, I have been a bad blogger. I'm trying. I make no guarantees that I will improve.

This month, the last roll of Kodachrome was processed.  Steve McCurry, once a photographer for National Geographic, shot the last manufactured roll of Kodachrome. A great choice, I think. After all, he has one of the most iconic photographs of the last century:

You give us those nice bright colors
You give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah!
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So Mama, don't take my Kodachrome away
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/p/paul+simon/#share
Too bad Paul Simon wouldn't cooperate with McCurry. It would have been a fitting end.

Check out Keely at The Unmom for more randomness.

1 comment:

tiarastantrums said...

I never walk my dog - she kills me