Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Texas School Board Elections

Well, it comes as no surprise that the Republican candidate for Texas School Board, Marsha Farney, appeals to the Tea Partiers. So much so that she appeared at a July 3 Tea Party rally in Georgetown, just up the road from my house. The unfortunate snake-in-the-grass who is my Congress critter, John Carter, was one of the featured speakers.

Mrs. Farney is quoted as saying,
"I'd rather be here than with those America-bashing Democrats."
Well, Mrs. Farney, I'm sure you were in good company, but this Texas Democrat has just contributed to your opponent. I don't consider myself someone who participates in America-bashing, but like Rep. Carter said,
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." 
That about sums it up. At last. Something Carter and I agree on.

If you're in Texas, drop by and donate to Dr. Judy Jennings. Hell, if you're not in Texas and have been sickened at the outrages perpetrated by the current school board, follow the link and toss Dr. Jennings some of your cash. 5 dollars would do.

Let's bring back some sanity to the Texas School Board.

H/T to Juanita Jean's


Ima June Pullet said...

I wonder what Ms. Farney thinks about "America bashing" Michael Steele?

Ima June Pullet
(aka TexasTrailerParkTrash)

Monica Roberts said...

Amen...the Dems on the Stat Board Of Indoctrination need help to prevent future GOP hate crimes against history and science.